Monday, September 27, 2010

It Julian Casablancas Mood

This is my second post on the artist. the selected one for this post is Julian Casablancas. he is a former the strokes vocalist and also multi-instrumentalist artist. i gonna explain more why i classify he as multi-instrumentalis person. for now, let us have a brief introduction with him.

Julian is born in New York in August 23, 1978. As The Strokes' principal songwriter, he has the greatest impact on their sound and has been known to be extremely meticulous with it. While Casablancas composes on a variety of instruments, he uses the keyboard to write complex arrangements that he later transposes to fit The Strokes' guitar-driven lineup.

the latest album from Julian is call Phrazes for the Young that been release in 2009. this album consist of 8 track and also 3 bonus song with The Lonely Island, N.E.R.D and Dangermouse and Sparklehorse.

the tracklist of this album

1. Out Of The Blue
2. Left And Right in the Dark
3. 11th Dimension
4. 4 Chords Of The Apocalypse
5. Ludlow St
6. River Of Brakelights
7. Glass
8. Tourist

Opener "Out of the Blue" has Julian reeling off a list of downers-- sadness, bitterness, anger, vengeance-- before settling with premature nostalgia: "All that I can do is sing a song of faded glory," he admits. Meanwhile, "Left & Right in the Dark" is even more dire as the singer offers lines like, "We're in a race against time, and time might be winning," before imploring the world at large to "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Here's another Wilde phrase worth re-reading: "Dullness is the coming of age of seriousness (Pitchfork)." (i totally agree with this opinion)

for me this island is totally away from the Strokes basic music where the band has focusing more on the guitar reef and also drum sound. this album is more to electronic sound. i can tell u that, all the song in this album is superb and delicious. it easy to be digest by everyone eye.
so cheer and let have some fun.

Your regard,

Lari dari kebiasaan

So kali ni aku nak try lari dari kebiasaan aku menulis blog..
Aku nak kenalkan satu band yang aku rasa cukup bagus tok diketengahkan pada semua orang

Band ni dikenali sebagai A Bullet For Pretty Boy (BFPB). this band is one of the hardcore band yang aku minat..
aku ada letak gambar band ni kat bawah tok tatapan semua..

GUITAR- Derrick Sechrist
VOCALS- Danon Saylor
KEYS- Josh Modisette
BASS- Taylor Kimball
GUITAR- Chris Johnston

as a hardcore band, it like a must to hear the scream in each of their song. and if it not scream it will a very melodic voice of vocalist. bagi aku vocal yang ada pada si Saylor ni cukup bagus n menarik. ini kerana tidak semua orang ada suara macam dia ni..tidak terlalu garau atau hoarse but enough to make you heart melt...macam M&M, cair di mulut tidak ditangan..hahahahaha

Base on pengalaman, band ni masih g baru dan telah melancarkan album terbaru yang bertajuk Only Time Will Tell. anyway today aku bukan nak bincang pasal album ni but album sebelum tu. album tu bertajuk Beauty In The Eye Of Beholder (Kecantikan Mata Terletak Pada Pemunya). secara overall album memang berbaloi untuk kita dengar. with the good sound vocal plus combination of guitar yang memang punyai reef yang tinggi. drum punya ketukan memang power la..aku boleh bet yang sekali korang dengar korang akan dengar lagi to all hardcore lover, beware of this have very high potential to challenge with the already band on the mainstream.
ni album yang aku katakan tu..simple but pack with the nice song.

Tracklist dalam album ni:
1.  Dial M For Murder
2. Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica 
3. The Hope I Confide In 
4. And Still You Choose Surrender
5.  This Is My Pale Horse 
6.  Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder 

korang leh try donlod mp3 and try dengar..kalau kena ngan selera korang truskan meyokong n komen..if not, it feel to remove it from your music folder or laptop.. hahhaahaha

so, pada semua yang berminat leh la melawat laman web Myspace ngan Facebook derang.


rasanya, tu lah tok kali ni punya entri..feel free to comment k..

Your Regard,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Raya..Ramadhan n Cuti

Da 2 minggu aku x update pape kat cni.balik kampung la katakan..beraya sakan ngan kawan2..
raya tahun ni macam besa je..juz xde la semeriah dulu coz ujan renyai2 pagi raya tu...n yang paling epi mesti la budak2..dapat duit raya..abes duit aku "derma" ngan derang..hahahahaha
but it ok la coz raya pun bukan slalu setahun sekali jer..
ada la satu malam masa ramadhan aritu aku lihat kejadian yang bagi aku amat perlu diingati oleh semua anak2 n kita semua..
kejadian tu berlaku dalam pukul 4.00 pagi..kebetulan anak sedara aku balik so kena tidor kat ruang tamu la semua malam tu..tengah sedap2 tido aku tersedar sebab sorang anak sedara aku kena gigit nyamuk..dalam keadaan manyau anak sedara aku ni panggil ibu dia yang tengah sedap tido...n kat situ terdetik kat ati aku yang ibu bapa kita memang amaik berat ngan kita tyme kita kecik2, apa salahnya kita layan plak derang bila derang da berumur kelak..memang tok seketika aku insaf n terus tringat ngan mak aku..sedihnyaaaaaaaa...
n tahun ni aku cuti sem lebih cket..2 minggu..sempat la bukak posa 2 3 ari kat umah...syokkk gila
raya tahun ni mmg best giler..jauh gila aku jalan sampai ke sempadan perlis-kedah...hahahha
wassalam n salam aidulfitri maaf zahir n batin
